Pastor’s Greeting

Greetings to you in the name of our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
My family and I are excited to finally be here in Memphis and are looking forward to getting to know all of you.  We ask for your grace and your patience as we learn everyone’s name and begin to develop relationships here. 
I have served in ministry for 18 years – all of those years at Hope Lutheran Church, Friendswood, TX.  I am originally from Kirkwood, MO, a suburb of St. Louis.  Work after college took me to Jackson, TN where I met my bride, Sheri.  We were married in 1996.  We have two children – twin girls Abigail and Emma.  Abby is continuing her studies at Concordia University, Texas and will graduate in December of this year with a degree in marketing.  Emma moved with us to Memphis.  She finished her studies at Alvin Community College last May.  She is a special needs young adult diagnosed with autism.  Emma is high-functioning, but finds communication to be a challenge.  
In my off-time, I enjoy road cycling, gardening, some woodworking, and, as I like to call it, “messing around with computers and A/V systems.” 
In invite you to come see what our Lord is doing at and through Immanuel Lutheran Church and School. If you’re curious about Jesus Christ, Christianity, or Lutheranism, I am happy to have a conversation with you. May our Lord richly bless and keep you!
— Pastor Jonathan Petering