Rev. Jonathan E. Petering - Senior Pastor (Call Accepted)
I was born and lived my entire childhood in Kirkwood, Missouri – a suburb in the St. Louis area. College took me to the University of Missouri. Work took me to Jackson, TN where I met my bride, Sheri. After working several management jobs, we moved back to St. Louis in the summer of 2002 so that I could begin studies at Concordia Seminary. Our twin girls were born that year. I graduated in 2006 and received a call to Hope. We have been here in Friendswood ever since.
I became a child of God in the water and word of Holy Baptism when I was 2 weeks old. I have spent the rest of my life continuing to learn what that means. My parents are both retired Lutheran School Teachers at St. Paul’s Lutheran, Des Peres, MO. My father was director of music as well. So I literally grew up within the church. After graduating from Lutheran High School South in St. Louis, I went out into the big world to pursue life outside of the church. Except for finding my bride, I never really found success or felt like I truly belonged. I finally figured it out and went back to my roots – back to the church. So you can say my story is a Jonah story – being called back to what I was supposed to do all along. The Word of God constantly reminds me that it’s all God’s grace – God’s love shown to me in Christ that I don’t deserve. And because of Christ, I now get to live the new creation life now!
Outside of the work of ministry (if that’s even possible) I enjoy messing around with computers and audio/video systems. I have a passion for caring for the land God has entrusted me and find joy in gardening and lawn care. I have nearly always enjoyed the thrill of riding bikes and continue to do so to this day.