Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I want to update you on our call process to fill the principal position at Immanuel Lutheran School.
Amy Kurtz has accepted our call to be principal. Praise be to God! Because of the timing for both her family and her current position, she will start her service at Immanuel at the beginning of the second semester in January of 2025.
In the interim, Kris Pudwell will be serving as part-time interim Principal. Michelle Fischer will also be available one day a week and as needed for assistance and counsel. Other portions of the principal job description (discipline, some administration) are being divided amongst a few of the teachers. We thank Kris for her willingness to step back into the role of principal for the semester.
I ask you to join me in prayer for Amy Kurtz, the congregation and school she will be leaving, for Kris Pudwell, and for our school as we navigate this interim time together guided and encouraged by our Lord and His love for us.
In Christ,
Rev. Jon Petering